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Bhavana Gour

Bhavana Gour

Millets for health is the perfect place to find super healthy alternatives to our rice and wheat. I've been using their products for quite sometime. The variety of products available is superb, some of our favorites being the millet pasta, popped jowar, kodo rice and the delicious ragi laddoos. Along with millets, recipes are also provided to prepare a healthy meal. Everything is made with so much thought to incorporate millets easily into our daily lives.
Thank you Millets for Health team.
Bhavana Gour

Customer Testimonials

Alka Hans

Alka Hans

I was suffering from gut, digestive & belly fat issues, gas, acidity, ... Read more

Bhavana Gour

Bhavana Gour

Millets for health is the perfect place to find super healthy alternat... Read more

Kanika Jain

Kanika Jain

Millets for health is the best thing I got introduced to. Their produc... Read more